Friday, September 20, 2024

The Age of AI

 AI or artificial intelligence is both incredible and terrifying. As displayed in the video entire grocery stores can be run off of AI and Robots running on code that allows them to stock and load carts with just the push of a button. This means groceries can be cheaper for consumers as well as more efficient, however, it is economically catastrophic. The only businesses that can afford to utilize this new tech would be the large corporations further driving out local businesses because of the price gap. The lack of entry level jobs in retail will also lead to a deficit in how many people are able to pay for goods, leading to the price further going up and the economy crashing down around us.

    A benefit to AI though is in doing jobs that would otherwise be dangerous to people or make living difficult for people. An example is the truck driver featured in the video as AI could allow drivers to spend more time at home and with family as well as reducing potential for human error and making the deliveries more and more efficient. More details on the situation can be found here.

    There are a lot of ups and downs to AI, it is up to the consumer and the government to regulate and ensure it is used in a positive and constructive manner.

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