Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Supreme Court

  •  Something I learnt that I didn't know was the concept of Certiorari
    • I had assumed that the supreme court would only take on the topic of lower court rulings if the judge residing over the initial case was unsure of how to proceed, not simply a right given to any American citizen to attempt to persuade the supreme court to reconsider the case. I find that a very humanizing aspect of the supreme court and keeps it from feeling as high and mighty as I once thought it was. Clicking this link even gives step by step instructions on how to submit a writ of certiorari, and it was the first thing that popped up, so it's not even difficult to find or fill out.

  • The most important takeaway I had about the supreme court is that they are not infallible.
    • The court itself condemns its previous ruling regarding slavery in the states. This to me shows that even if the supreme court decides something it doesn't have to be the end all be all and there is still hope for justice in the face of an unjust ruling.

  • The most surprising thing I learnt was how long justices are in office for and how they choose to stand on their own merit outside of the president that appointed them.
    • I always assumed that justices would have short stints and would always continue backing and supporting whichever president appointed them, but I am surprised to see such conviction for the individual belief systems that each member has.

The video showed me a level of humanity and resolve that I hadn't anticipated coming from the supreme court. I no longer see a stone wall of judges that have final say over federal issues, but instead a group of individual people trying to do the best and most honest job they can to preserve their values within the country.

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